What do you want to do with this year? I know it’s a big question, but I think it’s one we’ve all been pondering in these first days of 2025. Is this the year you get that big promotion, or boss it at the gym, or move to a new city? Well according to the tiktok tarot reading I just did (yes really) this year is the year I slow down. Take it all in. Take deep breaths and chill out. And if #slowmaxxing is anything to go by, I’m not the only one. I want to make this MY year of rest and relaxation*.
Yes I know it’s a contradiction in terms to say that living slowly is a trend. The modern trend cycle moves so fast that Shein released 10,000 new items a MONTH in 2020. In many ways I think that’s exactly why I and so many others want to live more slowly. The carousel of consumption is moving so dizzyingly fast, maybe the only sane solution is to step off. Living slowly means buying less, doing less, tracking less, but enjoying what you do more.
Bringing the idea of living more slowly up to friends at the pub garners nothing but positive responses. People are tired, and it might just be because we are in our early twenties and broke, but none of us actually have the money to be buying new things all the time. One person is hesitant – aren’t these the years of our lives when we’re meant to be pushing to achieve things? – but I would argue that just as much can be achieved moving slowly and with purpose than bulldozing through everything, ignoring our minds and bodies. We cheers on it – this year we’re slowmaxxing.
Any sceptics left amongst you will be wondering what that looks like practically. Well, for me, it involves removing my reading goal from storygraph, my steps goal from fitbit, and my viewing goal from letterboxd. Hands up, who else was panic reading novellas at the end of the year to reach an arbitrary goal you’d set yourself in January? Or pacing round the living room on Christmas day waiting for your smartwatch to vibrate “well done”? Congratulations, we did it, we’ve sucked the fun out of cinema, reading and walking! In an effort to prove we are the best at them I’m willing to bet we’ve all started to focus on achieving rather than enjoying our rest time. So for a start, I’m going for long walks, reading long books and watching whatever I want, no goals necessary.
Yesterday, I just sat with my morning cup of tea. Didn’t read, didn’t scroll my phone, just sat. For some of you that will be nothing, but for me it felt revolutionary. Really taking the time to have a peaceful moment before going about my day – is this what mindfulness experts have been doing this whole time? I think living more slowly looks like being able to take this time, no FORCING myself to take this time for myself (and I know this itself is a luxury I am incredibly lucky to have). For the rest of the day I was more able to notice, and to experience, what was going on around me. Don’t you want that for yourself in 2025?
So, my slow living goals for the year? Not to buy fast fashion, not to track everything, to sit – just sit – whenever I can. A friend is planting a vegetable patch and I’m excited to spend time in nature with my hands in the soil. My housemates have been discussing making our own pickles and jams, processes that takes hours minimum. Why don’t you join us this year? I think it’s going to be delicious.
*minus the disordered eating and abusing pharmaceuticals (side note, that book is wild)